Is It Okay For A Just Married Couple To Live With Parents?

If you are still living with your parents, you may find yourself exempt from some of the more mundane tasks as your mom or dad may be doing them out of habit. Your mom may even do your laundry.

One of the biggest advantages of married couples living with parents is that you can save a lot more money. You will save on rent, utility bills, renovations, shared grocery bills, and a lot more.

Of course, you should be contributing to the household expenses, but you won’t have to spend as much as you would if you were on your own. Living in a multigenerational setting means there are a lot more hands to the work.

You won’t have to so much housework since there will be more people to pitch in on all those daily chores. There are some advantages to live with parents after marriage the following

just married couple

You can learn from your parent’s experience

They have already done the things you are trying to do and they will share their experience with you. These are including career advice, relationship advice, parenting advice, how to dress for an interview, how to cook a fancy meal and any help you need to take that next step.

If you are sick, your parents will care for you

No one will care for you as a parent will.

Delaying marriage is probably a good thing

Many people can only afford to move from their parents’ homes when they get married. If you don’t feel the pressure to move out, you might not feel pressured to get married before you are ready.

You will have a bigger down payment for a home eventually

You are just married couple live with parents and paying more upfront will save you all kinds of money in the long run.

live with parents

You can reduce your student loans

The sooner you pay off that hefty student debt, the more money you will save.

You can get to know your parents as people

When you are a child, you will have an entirely different kind of relationship with your parents than you might have when you are an adult. Living at home is a great opportunity to get to know each other in different ways and see that parent and child relationships mature and expand.